Sunday, June 30, 2013


We had a really exciting, and really exhausting, visit to DC.  In two days we went to the Natural History Museum, the American History Museum, the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, WWII Memorial, Air and Space Museum (the other one in downtown DC), Arlington National Cemetery, The Women in Military Service Memorial, and the National Zoo - and managed to get to good vantage points to get pictures of the White House and the Capitol building.  I took hundreds of photos, these are just some of the highlights.

Still one of the most reverent places in DC - the Vietnam Memorial -it makes my heart ache.

Luke and Isa really wanted to meet President Obama - I tried to explain it doesn't work that way - but they didn't really understand why, so I ended up just telling them that the Obama Family was out of the country and left it at that.

The usual mass of humanity congregating on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  In all the times we've been here, this is always the busiest spot.

Had to throw in a picture of the Hope Diamond - after all it is just gorgeous.  Its housed at the Natural History Museum in the gem section.
 A small section of Arlington.  There really are no words. 

Luke and Kermit hanging out at the Museum of American History.
 After going to Kittyhawk, it was mandatory that we go see the actual Wright Brother's plane!  This is housed in the Air and Space Museum downtown.  It was fabulous to see those little minds putting it all together....
 Luke insisted that we get this picture - he learned about the three branches of government and wanted to get a picture with the capitol building.  We had lots of discussions about our national government that day.
The main thing I wanted to do in DC?  Take the kids to see a panda.  Everyone should be able to see a panda!  I just love them! 

The whole experience in DC was great.  We had great opportunities for yummy food up in Chinatown, lots of chances to ride the metro - which the kids LOVED, and so much entertainment my head is still spinning!


  1. Hi guys! We are LOVE LOVE LOVING your blog! Sophie's article - priceless! Your Chincoteague "adventures" - WOW! Crazy! I'm smiling as I read about your DC adventures, and reminiscing about our trips there, too! So many of your feelings and thoughts are just like ours as we were there. I, too, got misty eyed at seeing the shuttle. And the Lincoln Memorial just took our breath away. And we, too, have stood in front of Kermit - so fun!! Wow, you guys are packing in an amazing amount of fun and learning! So happy for you! Stay safe!

  2. I had been waiting and waiting for you to visit the islands where the horses were. I have been anticipating this part of your trip ever since you told Breah and I about it. I know how much Gabi loves horses and I had this picture perfect moment in my mind of what it was going to be like. So much for fantasy. It sounds like reality gave you a memory that you will never forget.

    1. The crazy thing - if you ask the girls what their favorite part of the vacation is thus far - they say it was almost getting trampled by the horses....I had my camera on video during a good part of it, so we have this bouncy video of feet and sand with the audio of horses whinnying and me freaking out. They've watched it about 30 times. :)

  3. I am just awestruck and inspired by your adventure and stories. What an amazing summer that you and your kids will remember throughout their lives. I can't imagine how all of this has been possible and can't wait to hear what it took to plan this vacation of a lifetime!
