Thursday, July 31, 2014

Vacation Statistics

This year's vacation was a lot of fun.  To remember all the details is challenging from one year to another, therefore I always make a stats page.

2014 "America the Beautiful" Vacation

Vacation Length:  38 days

Miles driven:  4900 +

States Traveled: 9

Days spent at the beach: 14

Junior Ranger Programs Completed: 6 (Arches, Kings Canyon/Sequoia, Grand Canyon North Rim, Yosemite, Olympic, Olympic Ocean Stewards)

Wild Animals seen:  gray whale, dolphin, 3 bears, sea stars, anemones, hermit crabs, harbor seals, deer, banana slugs, sea urchin, Stellar seals, Stellar jay, a bunch of different kids of mollusks, jellyfish, ravens, yellow bellied marmot, buffalo, elk

Cumulative Insect Bites:  31 - with Luke still immune and Isa only getting one
Worst Medical Issue: Gabi's mysterious half hour welts

Favorite Food:  Burnt Almond Cake

Places We Hiked:  Arches NP, Grand Canyon NP, Sequoia NP, Pfeiffer Falls, Yosemite NP, San Francisco, MacKerricher SP, Humbug Mountain, Ruby Beach, Sol Duc Falls, Seattle

Number of hours spent on a boat:  1/2

Number of hours on horseback: 1

Funniest Kid Quotes:

Luke: (after sitting through half of Rachel's convocation at BYU Idaho):  Mom, is this a Mormon school? - they sure are saying a lot of church stuff.

Isabel:  (speaking to dad when he mentioned he had to go to the bathroom) If I can handle it, you can handle it.  (Insert big, proud smile here)  See, I am practicing to be a mommy.

Gabriela: (while hiking) I hate trees, I hate rocks, I hate roots.  I like sidewalks.

2014 Favorites:
Michael's favorites: Seeing a bear while hiking, watching the sun set over the Hood Canal, tidepools at Ruby Beach

Debbie's favorites: Giant Sequoias and Redwoods, tidepools at Ruby Beach, horseback riding on the beach

Luke's favorites:  Eating seafood, visiting friends, seeing a seal while horseback riding on the beach

Isa's favorites: Seeing seals, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, tidepools at Ruby Beach

Gabi's favorites: Horseback riding on the beach, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Chinatown in San Francisco

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