Okay, now everyone be honest. When you read that I was nervous at Delicate
Arch, and then I said we were on our way to the Grand Canyon, you giggled,
right? Well, if you didn't, go ahead and
do that now.
My memories of the Grand Canyon are of standing at a small
wall with a chain over the top of it and looking out over the massive canyon
and being inspired. Okay, that must be
the South Rim Experience. Yesterday the
lovely lady at the campground check in showed me a little trail on the map that
we could walk down to see the canyon – our campsite a mere three minutes
away. Wow was I excited. So off we went. Turns out we couldn’t take the dog on the
little trail, so no problem, Michael
stayed with the dog and I took the kids down.
I have decided that Michael makes me
braver. We started down the trail (which
I lost in about 15 seconds and started taking my little kids right down a wash
with loose rocks and everything. Eagle Scout, I am not.) We baby
stepped down the wash and I looked up
and there was the stinking edge of the Grand Canyon eight feet in front of
me. No rope, no chain, no cute little
wall or plaque, just a drop off that
instantly made me nauseated and made me grab my kids like a lunatic. Scared the dickens out of all three of them –
mommy must have had wild eyes, because Luke asks, “Mom are you alright?” No, son, mommy is about to have a panic
I was totally freaked out this far from the edge |
This picture is taken in that
Five feet from a deadly precipice. I am getting the shivers just writing about it.
We then scrambled back up just as quickly as our legs could
carry us.
We then took another hike to explore the forest, and then
went to a great Ranger Program about the Ancient Puebloan people that were once
here. The ranger was so dynamic – we love
the Ranger talks, they really make the vacation come alive. After the talk the Ranger had a whole bucket
of clay for the kids to try their hand at making pots. They had a blast getting ridiculously messy.
Today we woke up early and took a trail to Bright Angel Point and got a fabulous view of the canyon - the kids were totally in awe. This time there was a railing. Funny how a piece of fence and a couple tubes of metal can make me feel secure mere inches from the edge.
Tomorrow we drive to Las Vegas!