Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Maiden Voyage

Mother's Day weekend we finally had a chance to take the RV out for our first time camping away from home.  Okay, we only went about 12 miles from home, but it still counts!  We drove to Cherry Creek State Park.  Our neighbor came to join us with his friend and his golden and we had such a fabulous time!  We have deemed the RV fit to live in - no idea how we will feel about it by the middle of June, but for now we are relatively confident it is going to work out.

Park Rangers are always telling visitors to lock up their food - animals are resourceful after all and they need to remain wild without becoming dependent on camping treats.  We were really cautious and responsible in Yellowstone last year, so that officially makes us complete idiots for not realizing that even Rubbermaid can't keep a critter out when there are marshmallows to be had.  

Can you see all those little teeth marks?  That thing was determined.